Thursday, October 12, 2006

How to embarrass yourself in a foreign country.

Well, i never cease to amaze myself. The more i try act in an acceptable way...the more i make an ass of myself. It all started when i realized that there are no hand dryers, paper towels or old rags to dry your hands on in public washrooms. One day while i was teaching in my rural school, i washed my hands before proceeding to the cafeteria to eat unidentified sea food with a room full of people who are watching my every move but cannot communicate with me in english. I washed my hands and then attempted to dry them with a piece of toilet paper as there was a roll sitting buy the sink. Well after struggling through the meal with chopsticks (a skill i have yet to master), i returned to my desk where i realized that i had a big wad of dried up toilet paper stuck to my finger...of course, it had to be on the hand that manoevers the chopsticks. At this moment i also realized that the korean teachers where not just smiling and giggling at my lack of motor skills as they usually do ...but the WAD of paper on my hand. Lovely. Good thing i don't embarrass too easily.


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